Bachelor in Computer Application


Process: a series of actions or steps taken to achieve an end result Processor: a machine that completes process IC: multifunction circuit are combined in a single chip

Microprocessor:  It is a multipurpose, programmable, clock-driven, register-based electronic device that reads binary instruction from a storage device (memory), accepts binary as input and processes data according to those instructions and provides result as output.  Each MP communicates and operates in the binary number 0 1nd 1, called bits.  Each MP has fixed sets of instructions in the form of binary pattern called a machine language.

Applications of MP The applications of microprocessors are not bound. They can be used virtually anywhere and in any field. However, the applications are sorted as follows:  Test Instruments  Microprocessors  are  widely  used  in  devices  such  as  signal  generators,  oscilloscopes, counters,  digital  multimeters,  x-ray  analyzers,  blood  group  analyzers,  baby  incubator, frequency synthesizers, data acquisition systems, spectrum analyzers etc. For example fluke 6010A synthesized signal generator uses 4004 microprocessor.  Communications  Communication today requires tens of thousands of circuits to be managed. Data should be received,  checked  for  errors  and  further  analysis  should  also  be  performed.  The speed at which the microprocessor can take decisions and compute errors is truly substantial.  Computer  The microprocessor is a central processing unit (CPU) of the microcomputers. It can perform arithmetic and logic functions as well as control function. The control unit of microprocessor sends  signals  to  input,  output  units,  memory,  ALU  and  arrange  the  sequence  of  their controlling operation.  Industries  The  microprocessor  is  widely  used  in  data  monitoring  systems,  smart  cameras  for  quality control,  automatic  weighing,  batching  systems,  assembly  machine  control,  torque certification systems, machine tool controller etc.

Evolution of MP (Intel Series) Intel 4004  Year of introduction 1970  4-bit MP  4 KB memory  Speed: 108 KHz  World’s first MP

Intel 8008  Year of introduction 1972  8-bit version of 4004  16 KB memory  Slow

Intel 8080  Year of introduction 1974  8-bit MP

 Speed: 2 MHz  First general purpose MP used as CPU of computer  64 KB memory

Intel 8085  Year of introduction 1975  8-bit MP  64 KB memory  8-bit data bus

Intel 8086  Year of introduction 1976  16-bit MP  1 MB memory  6-byte instruction queue (cache)  16-bit data bus  Speed: 4.77 MHz

Intel 8088  Year of introduction 1979  First MP used in the original IBM PC  8-bit data bus  1 MB memory  Speed: 4.77 MHz  4-byte instruction queue (cache)

Intel 80286  Year of introduction 1982/1983  16-bit MP with memory and protection  16 MB memory  Speed: 8 MHz  Multitasking feature implemented

Intel 80386  Year of introduction 1986  First practical 32-bit MP  4 GB memory

Intel 80486  Year of introduction 1989  32-bit high performance MP  4 GB memory

Pentium  Year of introduction 1993  32-bit MP  64-bit external data bus  4 GB memory

 16 KB cache

Microcomputer  It is a computer with a CPU as a MP designed for personal use.  It contains MP, memory and I/O unit.  It is smaller than mainframe and minicomputer.

Microcontroller  It is a small single chip computer or single IC containing MP, memory and programmable I/O peripherals. MP Input Memory Output

Von Neumann Architecture  Program can be saved like data in the memory unit and can be accessed when needed. This approach is called ‘Stored Program Concept’ and was first adopted by John von Neumann.

 In this architecture, data and instructions are stored in a single set of main memory.  Instruction fetch and data operation cannot occur at the same time because they share a common bus.  The program control unit (PCU) reads program instruction, decodes instruction for ALU and determines the sequence of instruction to be executed.  The ALU performs arithmetic and logical operations.  It is a basic architecture of today’s computer.  The another architecture like this is Harvard architecture in which instruction and data have separate memory space; and data & instruction can be accessed at the same time. This is newer approach to von Neumann architecture.

Basic Organization of Microcomputer

1. MP i. ALU  This unit executes all arithmetic and logical operations as specified by instruction set; and produces output.  The results of addition, subtraction, and logical operations (AND, OR, XOR) are stored in the registers or in memory unit or sent to output unit. ii. Register unit  Consists of various registers.  Used for temporary storage of data during execution of data. iii. CU  Controls the operations of different instructions.  Provides necessary timing and control signals to all the operations in the MP and peripherals including memory.

2. Memory  Stores binary information such as instruction and data, and provide these information to MP when required.  To execute programs, the MP reads data and instructions from memory and performs the computing operations.

3. System bus  The system bus is a communication path between MP and peripherals.  It is used to carry data, address and control signals.  It consists:  Data bus: carries data  Address bus: carries address  Control bus: carries control signals

4. I/O bus  Input unit is used to input instruction or data to the MP externally.  Output unit is used to carry out the information from the MP unit.

Unit 1 Introduction Process: a series of actions or steps taken to achieve an end result Processor: a machine that completes process IC: multifunction circuit are combined in a single chip

Microprocessor:  It is a multipurpose, programmable, clock-driven, register-based electronic device that reads binary instruction from a storage device (memory), accepts binary as input and processes data according to those instructions and provides result as output.  Each MP communicates and operates in the binary number 0 1nd 1, called bits.  Each MP has fixed sets of instructions in the form of binary pattern called a machine language.

Applications of MP The applications of microprocessors are not bound. They can be used virtually anywhere and in any field. However, the applications are sorted as follows:  Test Instruments  Microprocessors  are  widely  used  in  devices  such  as  signal  generators,  oscilloscopes, counters,  digital  multimeters,  x-ray  analyzers,  blood  group  analyzers,  baby  incubator, frequency synthesizers, data acquisition systems, spectrum analyzers etc. For example fluke 6010A synthesized signal generator uses 4004 microprocessor.  Communications  Communication today requires tens of thousands of circuits to be managed. Data should be received,  checked  for  errors  and  further  analysis  should  also  be  performed.  The speed at which the microprocessor can take decisions and compute errors is truly substantial.  Computer  The microprocessor is a central processing unit (CPU) of the microcomputers. It can perform arithmetic and logic functions as well as control function. The control unit of microprocessor sends  signals  to  input,  output  units,  memory,  ALU  and  arrange  the  sequence  of  their controlling operation.  Industries  The  microprocessor  is  widely  used  in  data  monitoring  systems,  smart  cameras  for  quality control,  automatic  weighing,  batching  systems,  assembly  machine  control,  torque certification systems, machine tool controller etc.

Evolution of MP (Intel Series) Intel 4004  Year of introduction 1970  4-bit MP  4 KB memory  Speed: 108 KHz  World’s first MP

Intel 8008  Year of introduction 1972  8-bit version of 4004  16 KB memory  Slow

Intel 8080  Year of introduction 1974  8-bit MP

 Speed: 2 MHz  First general purpose MP used as CPU of computer  64 KB memory

Intel 8085  Year of introduction 1975  8-bit MP  64 KB memory  8-bit data bus

Intel 8086  Year of introduction 1976  16-bit MP  1 MB memory  6-byte instruction queue (cache)  16-bit data bus  Speed: 4.77 MHz

Intel 8088  Year of introduction 1979  First MP used in the original IBM PC  8-bit data bus  1 MB memory  Speed: 4.77 MHz  4-byte instruction queue (cache)

Intel 80286  Year of introduction 1982/1983  16-bit MP with memory and protection  16 MB memory  Speed: 8 MHz  Multitasking feature implemented

Intel 80386  Year of introduction 1986  First practical 32-bit MP  4 GB memory

Intel 80486  Year of introduction 1989  32-bit high performance MP  4 GB memory

Pentium  Year of introduction 1993  32-bit MP  64-bit external data bus  4 GB memory

 16 KB cache

Microcomputer  It is a computer with a CPU as a MP designed for personal use.  It contains MP, memory and I/O unit.  It is smaller than mainframe and minicomputer.

Microcontroller  It is a small single chip computer or single IC containing MP, memory and programmable I/O peripherals. MP Input Memory Output

Von Neumann Architecture  Program can be saved like data in the memory unit and can be accessed when needed. This approach is called ‘Stored Program Concept’ and was first adopted by John von Neumann.

 In this architecture, data and instructions are stored in a single set of main memory.  Instruction fetch and data operation cannot occur at the same time because they share a common bus.  The program control unit (PCU) reads program instruction, decodes instruction for ALU and determines the sequence of instruction to be executed.  The ALU performs arithmetic and logical operations.  It is a basic architecture of today’s computer.  The another architecture like this is Harvard architecture in which instruction and data have separate memory space; and data & instruction can be accessed at the same time. This is newer approach to von Neumann architecture.

Basic Organization of Microcomputer

1. MP i. ALU  This unit executes all arithmetic and logical operations as specified by instruction set; and produces output.  The results of addition, subtraction, and logical operations (AND, OR, XOR) are stored in the registers or in memory unit or sent to output unit. ii. Register unit  Consists of various registers.  Used for temporary storage of data during execution of data. iii. CU  Controls the operations of different instructions.  Provides necessary timing and control signals to all the operations in the MP and peripherals including memory.

2. Memory  Stores binary information such as instruction and data, and provide these information to MP when required.  To execute programs, the MP reads data and instructions from memory and performs the computing operations.

3. System bus  The system bus is a communication path between MP and peripherals.  It is used to carry data, address and control signals.  It consists:  Data bus: carries data  Address bus: carries address  Control bus: carries control signals

4. I/O bus  Input unit is used to input instruction or data to the MP externally.  Output unit is used to carry out the information from the MP

Unit 2 Basic Computer Architecture

SAP-1 Architecture
The Simple-As-Possible (SAP)-1 computer is a very basic model of a microprocessor explained by Albert Paul Malvino. The SAP-1 design contains the basic necessities for a functional Microprocessor. Its primary purpose is to develop a basic understanding of how a microprocessor works, interacts with memory and other parts of the system like input and output. The instruction set is very limited and is simple.
SAP (Simple-As-Possible)-1 is the first stage in the evolution toward modern computers.

Figure: Architecture of SAP-1 Microprocessor/Computer

SAP is Simple-As-Possible Computer. The type of computer is specially designed for the academic purpose and nothing has to do with the commercial use. The architecture is 8 bits and comprises of 16 X 8 memory i.e. 16 memory location with 8 bits in each location, therefore, need 4 address lines which either comes from the PC (Program Counter which may be called instruction pointer) during computer run phase or may come from the 4 address switches during the program phase. All instructions (5 only) get stored in this memory. It means SAP cannot store program having more than 16 instructions. SAP can only perform addition and subtraction and no logical operation. These arithmetic operations are performed by an adder/subtractor unit. There is one general purpose register (B register) used to hold one operand of the arithmetic operation while another is kept by the accumulator register of the SAP-1. In addition, there are 8 LEDs which work as output unit and connected with the 8 bit output register. All timely moment of data or activities are performed by the controller/sequencer part of the SAP-1.

Program Counter  It counts from 0000 to 1111.  It signals the memory address of next instruction to be fetched and executed.
Inputs and MAR (Memory Address Register)  During a computer run, the address in PC is latched into Memory Address Register (MAR).
The RAM  The program code to be executed and data for SAP1 computer is stored here.  During a computer run, the RAM receives 4-bit addresses from MAR and a read operation is performed. Hence, the instruction or data word stored in RAM is placed on the W bus for use by some other part of the computer.  It is asynchronous RAM, which means that the output data is available as soon as valid address and control signal are applied. Instruction Register  IR contains the instruction (composed of OPCODE+ADDRESS) to be executed by SAP1 computer.
Controller-Sequencer  it generates the control signals for each block so that actions occur in desired sequence. CLK signal is used to synchronize the overall operation of the SAP1 computer.  A 12-bit   word   comes   out   of   the   Controller-Sequencer   block.   This   control   word determines how the registers will react to the next positive CLK edge.
Accumulator  It is a 8 bit buffer register that stores intermediate results during a computer run.  It is always one of the operands of ADD, SUB and OUT instructions. Adder/Subtractor  it is a 2's complement adder-subtractor.

 this module is asynchronous (unclocked), which means that its contents can change as soon as the input words change
B-register  It is 8 bit buffer register which is primarily used to hold the other operand (one operand is always accumulator) of mathematical operations.
Output Register  This registers hold the output of OUT instruction. Binary Display  It is a row of eight LEDs to show the contents of output register.   Binary display unit is the output device for the SAP-1 microprocessor.

SAP-1 Instructions SAP-1 instruction set consists of following instructions

The instruction format of SAP-1 Computer is
The first four bits make the opcode while the last four bits make the operand (address).

Machine cycle and Instruction cycle SAP1 has six T-states (three fetch and three execute cycles) reserved for each instruction. Not all instructions require all the six T-states for execution. The unused T- state is marked as No Operation (NOP) cycle. Each T-state is called a machine cycle for SAP1. A ring counter is used to generate a T-state at every falling edge of clock pulse. The ring counter output is reset after the 6th T-state.
FETCH CYCLE – T1, T2, T3 machine cycle
EXECUTE CYCLE - T4, T5, T6 machine cycle  Complete code includes opcode and operand  One instruction is executed in one instruction cycle.

 Instruction cycle may consist of many machine cycles  For SAP-1, Instruction cycle = Machine cycle  Instruction cycle = Fetch cycle + Execution cycle  Fetch cycle is generally same for all instructions  Complete code includes opcode and operand  Like LDA 04H   0000 0100  One instruction is executed in one instruction cycle

Fig: Instruction Cycle Fetch and Execution Cycle of SAP-1 instructions  SAP-1 instruction cycle: 3 clock cycles to fetch and decode phase, 3 clock cycles to execute  the first three states are: 1. address 2. increment 3. memory  controller has a 6-bit ring counter which continuously cycles from 000001 up to 100000 then resets (must be set to 000001 when we initialize the computer)  ring counter is clocked on clock high-to-low transition, most of the other circuits in the computer on clock lowto-high transition
Fetch Cycle  Address state: enable PC to bus three-state output, MAR load line  Increment state: enable PC increment (and perhaps wait for memory access time)  Memory state: enable memory CE, IR load line  IR is loaded on the low-to-high clock transition, so stabilizes before state 4 is entered t1:  MAR ← PC  t2:  PC ← PC +1 t3:  IR ← RAM       

Execution Cycle -- LDA  state 4: enable IR to bus three-state output, MAR load line  state 5: enable memory CE, accumulator load line  state 6: enable nothing t4:  MAR ← (IR (Address of operand))  t5:  Accumulator ← RAM  t6:  nothing

Execution Cycle -- ADD  state 4: enable IR to bus three-state output, MAR load line  state 5: enable memory CE, register B load line  state 6: enable add, ALU to bus three-state output, accumulator load line t4:  MAR ← (IR (Address of B))

t5:  B ← RAM t6:  Accumulator ← Accumulator + B
Micro program  each SAP-1 block has some control lines: o each three-state driver has an enable line which connects the driver to the bus o the program counter also has a count line which, when high, increments the contents on the next low-tohigh clock transition o all registers have a load line (active low) o the ALU has a subtract line which is high for subtraction and low for addition  implementing the SAP-1 instructions means raising and lowering these control lines at the appropriate times  these 12 control lines are the micro program word  controller must, on each clock cycle, produce 12 bits  some of these bits are on-off (e.g. three-state output lines) and have a "default off" state  some of these bits are A/B (e.g. the add-subtract line) and have a "default don't care"  some bits are active high, some are active low
Controller Implementation  How to generate micro words?  if a bit is only on during one cycle, connect it to the corresponding ring counter bit  if a bit is only on for an instruction, connect it to that instruction (as decoded by a 4-bit 1-of-16 decoder)  if a bit is only on for an instruction and a cycle, connect it to the AND of the ring counter bit and the decoder output  if a bit is on for multiple instruction and/or cycles, work out the truth table and use AND/OR or multiplexers to implement it  alternative: use a ROM

SAP-2 Architecture

Fig: Architecture of SAP-1 Microprocessor/Computer  Hexadecimal Keyboard Encoder: The hexadecimal keyboard encoder receives the data from outer environment and converts it into hexadecimal form. The system can understand and send them to the input port.  Input Ports: The SAP-2 contains two input ports which input the data in the system in the most convenient way.  PC: PC is the program counter that holds the address of the next instruction to be fetched. It initializes from 0000H to 1111H during the execution.  MAR: MAR is the memory address register that stores the complete format of the address sent by the program counter. It stores the final address of the memory word that needs some computations.  64 K Memory: It contains 64 K memory where data and instruction reside. All the computations are performed relative to the memory.  MDR: MDR is the Memory Data Register which stores the data or operand that is fetched from the memory which is needed for computation.  IR: The IR is the Instruction Register that holds the complete format of the Instruction that is to be executed.  Control Sequencer: It provides necessary timing signals like T0, T1, T2, ….. and control signals providing the direction for executing the program.  Accumulator: The result of all the mathematical operations is stored in accumulator. It is one of the operand of ADD, OUT, SUB instruction. It is also known as processor register.  ALU and Flag:  The ALU perform all the arithmetic and logical calculations. The flag reflect the intermediate changes on the values during execution.  Temporary register, B, C: They are the second operand of the mathematical operations. The register B and C is accessible to the programmer.  Output Ports: It consists of two output ports to show the result of OUT instruction.

 Hexadecimal Display: Unlike Sap-1 which has binary display, Sap-2 has a hexadecimal display to show outputs in the LEDs. Architectural differences with SAP-1  Jump Instructions: loadable PC  16-bit program counter  8-bit opcode, 42 instructions  2 input ports, 2 output ports  2K ROM, up to 62K RAM (16-bit addresses) with read and write  memory data register (MDR) buffers reads and writes  accumulator can write to bus  Temporary, B and C registers  16 arithmetic and logic operations in ALU  sign and zero flag
Bidirectional registers  connect the inputs to the outputs  load and enable never simultaneously active  on load, outputs are 3-state, input is taken from the bus  on enable, inputs are ignored, output goes to the bus  1/2 as many pins  1/2 as much bus capacitance
Flags  2 flip flops, sign flag and zero flag  set during arithmetic and logic operations to reflect final accumulator contents  JM jumps only if the sign flag is set (minus result)  JZ jumps only if the zero flag is set (zero result)  JNZ jumps if the zero flag is clear (non-zero result) Q. What is the value of the sign bit if the accumulator contents are zero?
In-Class Exercise  work in groups of up to 3  design a circuit to implement the flags  inputs are: 8 bits from the accumulator, clock (use the positive-going edge), 1 LF control line (active high)  outputs are the flags: ZF, SF

Fig: Setting the flags

SAP-2 Instruction Sets  same fetch cycle (T1, T2, T3) as SAP-1  memory reference instructions: LDA, STA (3 bytes, lower byte before higher byte)  immediate instructions: MVI reg, value (2 bytes)  register instructions: MOV, ADD and SUB, INR and DCR, ANA, ORA, XRA, CMA (1 byte), ANI, ORI, XRI (2 bytes)  jump and call instructions: JMP, JM, JZ, JNZ, CALL (3 bytes), RET (1 byte)  CALL saves return address in memory FFFEH and FFFFH  NOP, HLT, RAL, RAR (1 byte), IN, OUT (2 bytes)
In-Class Exercise 1  hand-assemble the following program starting at address 2000H  opcodes are: “IN” is DBH, "MOV B,A" is 47H, "DCR A" is 3DH, "MOV C,A" is 4FH, "ANA B" is A0H, "MOV A,C" is 79H, JNZ is 79H  What does the program do?
 START   IN 01H  LOOP    MOV B, A           DCR A           MOV C, A           ANA B           MOV A, C           JNZ LOOP  DONE

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